Stan’s November blog

Stan’s November blog

It’s been over a month since the Prestbury by-election and both Prestbury Councillors have been busy looking after the interests of the Ward.

So thank you for your support, I will be aiming to get this BLOG out once a month to give you information about what is going on in the ward and town so that you are all kept in the loop.

So far I have arranged for the St. Mary’s churchgoers to use the Prestbury library car park (but the last person out must shut the gates). As you know the Borough Council has put the Idsall Drive car park up for sale in the village, and the Parish Council has turned down the chance to purchase it, so as it stands it will be sold by the Borough Council, even with all the efforts of Councillor Ian Bassett-Smith to get a good deal for the parish council to purchase it.

I have been for a walk around the village and have chatted with quite a few of the shopkeepers. They all gave the same feedback.

1. Car parking and now that the Parish Council is not interested in purchasing the car park they will be missing footfall. We now have traffic wardens walking up and down the village ( 2 or 3 times a week ).

2. What the village needs is lighting up around Christmas time with street lights and a tree put in the village, like other villages with lights switched on at night (just a thought). Thank you to the shopkeepers for their efforts in trying to enhance the village.

We are keeping an eye on the issue over the mobile phone mast planning application for Prestbury Road. The Parish Council is looking into an alternative more realistic plan so we will keep you informed.

We will continue our endeavours to look after the PRESTBURY WARD and CHELTENHAM.



(Councillor Stan Smith)

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